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Establishing topical authority for sustainable furniture terms

Room & Board is a modern furniture retailer that has both a strong ecommerce presence and brick-and-mortar retail locations across the United States. While sustainability has been a core brand pillar since Room & Board’s founding, it was widely unknown to consumers. Collective Measures stepped in to help shift the spotlight onto this effort.

The Challenge

Room & Board breaks through on the topic of sustainability

Sustainable furniture is nothing new for Room & Board

Creating sustainable furniture has always been a pillar in Room & Board’s business. As a key purchasing decision for many consumers, it was clear that Room & Board needed to bring this historic effort into the limelight. To increase visibility into its sustainable furniture efforts, improving the topical authority was essential. Why? This would increase the brand’s visibility as consumers searched for new sustainable furniture to add to their homes and would ultimately aid in driving additional sales.

The Solution

Key SEO recommendations to rise to the top of sustainability conversations

To establish topical authority and enhance visibility for sustainability terms across both broad and narrow search intent, we developed a data-driven SEO strategy to achieve these goals. After completing SEO research, we gained a deep understanding of the external and internal landscape for sustainable furniture terms and how Room & Board could achieve topical authority. Using this information, prioritized technical and content SEO recommendations were developed to fuel organic visibility and better meet user intent.

The recommendations included:

  • Adding a sustainability section to Room & Board’s primary navigation to signal deep topical authority to search engines and highlight related content for users 
  • New content creation efforts to highlight key topics and questions to answer
  • Infusing sustainable furniture terms into product copy to amplify the visibility within search results
The Results

Since implementation, Room & Board has successfully built topical authority for sustainable furniture terms and achieved its visibility goals.

  • 58%
    Top 20 rankings for sustainability keywords increased 58% year over year
  • 56%
    Rankings for sustainability keywords increased 56% year over year
  • Page 1
    Ranking achieved for new sustainability page for targeted keywords like “sustainable furniture” and “sustainable furniture companies


These key SEO recommendations not only drove results, but also received award recognition

Collective Measures and Room & Board were named finalists for the Digiday Awards for the ‘Best Search Campaign’ with this impressive approach to search marketing.

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