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Land O’Lakes SEO Strategy Drives Organic Traffic

Land O’Lakes exists in a highly competitive food/recipes landscape, and its success is highly reliant on organic traffic.

The Challenge

Leverage SEO best practices to drive performance.

Collective Measures was challenged to use both content and technical search engine optimization (SEO) tactics to grow this client’s organic visits year-over-year.

The solution

We stayed updated on industry trends to expand content opportunities.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Blending both foundational SEO work and new digital tactics, Collective Measures monitored Google Trends to identify new opportunities. We also engaged in ongoing optimization and utilized a variety of SEO tools, creating consistent, strategic content to find success during this client’s busiest season.

The results

65% Increase of organic visits.

Year-over-year, visits from organic search increased by nearly 25%. And, during Land O’Lakes’ most crucial time of year, visits increased by 65%.