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Forbes Agency Council: 12 Ways Companies Can Identify And Market What Makes Them Unique

October 05, 2020

As a member of the exclusive Forbes Agency Council, Collective Measures CEO Donna Robinson shares her expert opinion on the top digital trends. Read her latest feature below.

12 Ways Companies Can Identify And Market What Makes Them Unique

By Donna Robinson / October 5, 2020

Businesses thrive when they stand out from the crowd. No one wants to buy products from you if everyone else offers the same products. But if you stand out as a leader in something, you can draw business based on that reputation.

Determining this “hook” is a critical part of the marketing of a business. However, a company must be careful not to market something that they can’t back up. While there might be an initial spike in customers, the overall trend will slump if the business can’t maintain their promises.

Below, 12 leaders from Forbes Agency Council look at how companies can seek to identify these “hooks” and use them in their marketing efforts.

9. Look At Reviews

Look at reviews! Your best resource for why your product is better than others is a satisfied customer. You can also look at competitors’ reviews to see what their customers are dissatisfied with and use that to make your company stand out. Community management can teach you a lot about your pitfalls, which advertisers focus on, but it can also teach you a lot about your strengths as well. – Donna Robinson, Collective Measures

Read the full article on Forbes Agency Council

Image Source: Forbes Agency Council