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Tapping into the power of video to inspire action

As a non-profit organization, The Greater Twin Cities United Way chapter seeks to improve and support the local Twin Cities community through various programs and donations. A global pandemic, however, not only affected those that relied on the chapter, but the volunteers who donated time and materials.

The Challenge

Creatively inspire both new and existing audiences to take action

Empowering the next wave of volunteers

Following the launch of a rebrand and the introduction of a new philanthropic mission, United Way wanted to raise awareness of its new initiatives and increase brand engagement. To elevate United Way’s efforts, Collective Measures developed a paid media strategy to clearly communicate United Way’s value proposition and inspire both new and existing audiences to join the movement by donating or volunteering.

The Solution

Video ad units + an audience-first approach = recipe for success

A core component of our paid media strategy was leveraging ad units that could both educate and inform key audiences about the rebrand, explaining the evolution of the brand and the details of its new initiative. Or in other words: video was the key.


Our dual video strategy included:

  • Reaching new audiences across the web via programmatic video
  • Targeting users who indexed high for charitable donations, volunteering, and corporate leadership 
  • Utilizing YouTube to educate lower-funnel audiences and remarketing audiences, including site visitors and branded searchers, to reach those who were familiar with the brand but unaware of the new changes
The Results

CM’s dual video approach drove impressive results that exceed the client’s goals.

  • 79%
    YouTube provided 79% more efficient reach to low-funnel audiences
  • 9%
    Programmatic video drove a 9% lower cost per on-site engagement from new users
  • 1.53x
    Programmatic video provided 1.53x higher video completion rates than YouTube
  • Positive Correlation
    A completed correlation analysis showed that increased spend on video ads resulted in increased search volume and impressions for the brand name, demonstrating that video was an effective channel.

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