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Star Tribune: Minn. small businesses developed bag of tricks to make it through pandemic

June 16, 2021

The COVID-19 outbreak didn't slow growth for Minneapolis-based digital marketing-services company Collective Measures, No. 11 on the Top Workplaces list.

Minn. small businesses developed bag of tricks to make it through pandemic

The COVID-19 outbreak didn’t slow growth for Minneapolis-based digital marketing-services company Collective Measures, No. 11 on the Top Workplaces list.

Collective Measures has exceeded its growth projections for several years and currently employs more than 125 people, said CEO Donna Robinson. The company, founded in 2005, has hired more than 25 employees in 2021, and in 2020, during the middle of a pandemic, 51.

The rapid growth has led to upward mobility opportunities for existing employees, Robinson said. Those new opportunities translate into greater responsibility and opportunities to develop more skills, she added. “We tend to hire people that are really young and curious and very bright and we like to feed all of that, feed that curiosity,” she said.

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