Tips For Writing Better Facebook Ads

Tips For Writing Better Facebook Ads

February 01, 2019

Annie Herges
Woman working on Facebook Page

Have you ever been stuck when writing new ads or are wondering how you can make your ads better? Use these easy tips to write better Facebook ads and improve your results.

While it is true that ad images typically have the largest impact on an ad’s performance, ad copy offers a unique opportunity to increase performance that is easily implemented and tested when image content is limited. Perfecting your ad copy can increase your ad clicks and ultimately help you increase website sales or conversions.

Follow these quick tips for ad copywriting success:

1. Keep Your Facebook Ads Short And Concise

Attention span is short, so you want to catch attention and promote further action as quickly as possible. If your ad copy is too long you risk losing interest and forfeiting that click or video view. For best practice, focus on the “why” and “what” within your ad copy.

  • Why does it matter to the audience?
    • Examples: Savings, how the product/service benefits the consumer, new product launch
  • What are you offering?
    • Examples: Discount, product to purchase, case study to download
    • Tip: This often becomes your headline

For example, take this Boston Sports Clubs ad that is promoting its membership offer. By keeping the text short and the message clear, it’s easy to quickly understand and the call-to-action button ‘sign up’ entices action.

Facebook Ad Copy

2. Avoid Truncation in Your Ads

Truncation is when Facebook truncates or shortens your text automatically for the placement or device the ad is being served on. This is especially important for writing mobile ads because truncation occurs most often on mobile devices. Facebook recommends 125 characters for your ad copy to avoid truncation, although technically there are no character limits. Instagram ads have a 2,200-character limit, but the same truncation rules apply on Instagram.

If truncation occurs, people will have to click ‘see more’ to continue to read your ad. If you need to go beyond the recommended character limits, be sure your most important message is within the first 125 characters. Use these character limits to avoid any truncation:

  • Text: 125 characters
  • Headline: 25 characters
  • Description: 30 characters

3. Use Facebook’s Call-To-Action Buttons

Determine what you want your target audience to do and use the appropriate call-to-action button that Facebook offers. The buttons emphasize the desired action and give a clear indication to users of what they can expect to happen after they click on the ad. The call-to-action buttons increase ad click-through rates and ad conversion rates.

There are a variety of buttons now offered for ads:

See Menu, Learn More, Shop Now, Download, Book Now, Contact Us, Watch More, Subscribe, Sign Up, Donate Now, Get Offer, Get Quote, Get Showtimes, Listen Now, Play Game, Request Time

4. Tailor Your Ad To Your Audience

You most likely are not targeting just one audience within your campaigns, so why run just one ad copy version? It’s likely that different selling points and brand values will appeal more to some audience segments than others, and you also may find that promotional offers or product sets perform differently across audiences. Use what you know to tailor your ad copy by audience. And if you’re not sure what ad copy performs best, test it!

Examples of possible audience segments:

  • Third-party audience segments such as moms vs. dads
  • First-party customer data segments such as high value customers vs. one-time purchasers
  • Site engagement segments such as jewelry shoppers vs. luggage shoppers
  • Prospecting vs. retargeting

5. Have Fun, And Don’t Be Afraid Of Emojis in Your Facebook Ads

It’s social after all! If it’s on brand, use emojis and hashtags to talk in a similar format as your target audience. Your ad copy will fit in better within the platform and be more relatable. And, don’t be afraid to play around with some different headlines and plays-on-words to see if your audience reacts positively to it.

6. Test, Test, Test!

Each time you go to write a new Facebook ad, aim to learn one thing that can help you write future ad copy. Think about your goals and test variations based on what you think may help you reach your campaign goals. Then try to eliminate other variables within your test so you know what influenced the change. Remember, the smaller the variation, the longer it will take to determine a winner. Try to avoid one-word changes that are minimally noticed.

What Marketers Need to Know About Facebook Ads

While there is a large focus on the visual aspects of Facebook ads, ad copy can and should be optimized to improve performance. So, take some extra time to think through the strategy of your ad copy and use these best practices to get you started! And remember to always look to learn something that guides you for your next ad.

Image Source: Pexels